Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Behind The Scenes for the USA Pro TV advert and Digital Filmmaker Magazine

Thought I should do a quick blog on the advert my husband (Tom Paton) directed for USA Pro before Christmas. As a feature writer for Digital Filmmaker Magazine,  it's always nice when he can write about the jobs he's doing coupled with witty pieces on the industry itself. Proud wife alert!!!

This particular advert I joined late in the afternoon after I had finished a job shooting a press launch for Benefit Cosmetics in Piccadilly. It was shot at Wimbledon Film Studios under Want Some Media's banner, and to say it was cold was an understatment! The girls were troopers standing there in their gym gear while we were all in Ski jackets! 

The star of the advert was Gemma Atkinson, ex Hollyoaks star. She is currently the Brand Ambassador for USA Pro, and she looked amazing considering she had only just flown in from the Dominican Republic 11 odd hours before and was severely jet lagged.

The whole team did a fantastic job and I had a lovely time shooting the images for Tom's article in the magazine. 

Here are a few of the photographs;

Here is the final advert;

This issue is out now so if you want to read the article head down to WHSmith's and pick up a copy!
