Thursday, 9 January 2014

Connie - Newborn Photography Shoot

Just before Christmas I had the pleasure of working with this little lady. She was only 6 lb, and a real joy to photograph. She pretty much slept through the whole thing and I could have literally just eaten her all up, she was so cute. Both Mum and Dad were present, and could hardly wait to put her in the teacup (which we left until last).

I am taking Newborn bookings as of now, and will be taking a maximum of two bookings a week to ensure quality, time and care can be taken with your baby. We all know that babies seldom arrive on schedule but if you let me know when your due date is asap we can pencil in around the two week period for when you estimate your photoshoot will take place. The ideal time to photograph a newborn is between 6-12 days old as they are still in the very sleepy stage and easily mouldable to create stunning bespoke images with a difference to a standard portrait. My studio is at Aqua-Babies Headquarters, which is a perfect place as we're all "baby-mad". Based in Leigh-on-sea, there is a parking space and all the facilities you could need. I have an ever expanding collection of props to use, and all my fabrics are washed in between uses. 

Currently for January only I am offering 15 high res images on a gigstick for £150, then in February my prices will return to their normal rate. I have 5 babies on the waiting list (unborn currently), so my spaces are filling up pretty quickly. The 15 images provided will be pixel perfect (taken on a Nikon D800 for incredible sharpness and clarity),  and will look just perfect in a photo/story book. Typically the quality from my camera enables you to print to the size of an exceptionally large gallery piece if you so wish!

If you are interested in having your baby photographed and having a record of this stunning time, then please contact me on

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